Online dispensaries are the best place to find amazing deals on medical marijuana seeds. You also have a large selection of strains and seed types when buying seeds online than in a local store.
However, buying anything online can put some people at risk of losing their money or having their personal information stolen. It is important to be on the lookout for any red flags and consider other important factors while buying medical marijuana seeds online. You can get a better buying experience by following our simple guide for online weed seeds shopping.
Only shop at reputable dispensaries
Looking for marijuana seeds through classification ads or social media sites will only invite trouble. You only have the word of the seller that they will sell you quality seeds from these shops. In addition, you do not have any form of protection from the sites. You are on your own if the transaction happens to be bogus where the seller runs away with your money or you receive low-quality seeds.
Always bring your business to a reputable dispensary site. Your chances of buying quality seeds without losing your money are much higher from these sellers. You also receive buyer protection from certain shops if you happen to receive the wrong seeds or bad ones.
Look for early signs of legit dispensaries
While reputable sites should be your go-to place to buy medical marijuana seeds, you may encounter bogus sites that try to trick you into thinking they are legitimate. Many drop their guard upon visiting this site, thinking they can trust the seller with their money and personal details. Fortunately, spotting a fake online dispensary is easy when you know what to look for in a reputable site.
One of the immediate signs that you are visiting a reputable dispensary is an age verification pop up. Every dispensary will be strict when it comes to any minors visiting and buying from their site. This is why most marijuana shops you visit will immediately ask you to enter your age. On the other hand, scammers are not concerned as to who buys from their site as long as their victim parts with their money.
Another sign to look out for is the HTTPS at the address bar. The additional S at the end of HTTP means that you are on an encrypted connection to the site from your computer. Any information you send to the site, such as your credit card numbers and home address, are incredibly difficult to read by any hackers. Scammers rarely utilize encrypted connections for their websites.
Go through an online dispensary information page
Take note that an age verification and HTTPS does not guarantee that you are buying from a reputable site. Scammers can take their scheme to the next level by providing both of these signs to trick any unsuspecting buyers. You can protect yourself by going through any dispensary site thoroughly before buying anything.
A good way to do this is to look for any detailed info on the site such as their company background, privacy policy, and terms & conditions. Skim through the details to see if there are any grammar errors and if the info is consistent.
Scammers may try to trick people by copying the details from a legitimate site and posting it on their own with a few changes on the details. These changes tend to show as grammar errors or inconsistent details that do not match with the website. A good example would be a clause that talks about non-marijuana related products in the terms & condition page.
Verify the company address and contact information
If you find the business address of a dispensary as well as their contact number, do a quick search on for this two info. Legitimate dispensaries will have their address and number listed on directories. If the address matches with another company or if the search did not give you any details about the company, consider this a red flag.
Another way of checking if the number is authentic or not is to call it. Pay attention to how a company receives your call. If you get a hold message that mentions the dispensary’s name and gets a professional sounding receptionist on the other line, these are a good sign that the company is legitimate. Otherwise, be wary if no one answers you back or if the number is not in service.
Determine the website age
Dispensaries that have been around for a long time are likely to have a good reputation among the cannabis community. A good way to check on the age of a marijuana online shop is to look up reviews for it. Legitimate companies will have feedback from a variety of customers and professional review sites. The creation date of a review can give you a good grasp of the age of medical marijuana seeds online dispensary.
If you want a thorough check on how long a dispensary site has been in business, look up their domain name. You can find sites that will give you the creation and expiration date of a domain. Be wary of dispensaries with a recently created domain or one that just came out in less than a year.
Use secure payment methods
If you find a legitimate dispensary that has been in business for more than a year, check on their payment method options. Avoid any shops that only allow money transfer payment on your orders. This type of payment option allows scammers to run away with your money without any chance of recovering it from them.
Only buy from a dispensary site that lets you use payment options that offer buyer protection. A classic example is credit cards. If you receive the wrong seeds or did not receive your order, a credit card company will work to recover your money.
Avoid providing all of your personal information
When it comes to buying marijuana seeds online, most dispensaries only need your name, address, contact info, payment details, and government ID for age verification. These details are enough for the shop to complete the transaction and ship your orders out to your address.
Be wary of dispensary sites that are asking for your social security number or business address. Certain scammers are not after your money, but your personal details to steal your identity.
Make a small order on your first purchase
It pays to be skeptical of any online dispensary, even if the site shows all of the signs that it is legitimate. While some customers may have a better experience from a specific shop, others might not have had much luck with the same site.
It pays to make a small order on your marijuana seeds when buying from an online dispensary for the first time. This will help you get a good grasp on how the site transacts with its customers. You can also avoid the incredible amount of stress if you made a large order and something goes wrong. This includes getting the low quality of seeds or losing your order in the mail.
Look for discreet delivery
The importance of privacy varies among most people. Some are open to cultivating and using marijuana for medical use. Others do not want anyone, including their neighbors from knowing that they bought cannabis seeds and are planning to grow them. While everyone has their level of being open to cultivating marijuana, no one wants to be a target for any criminals in the neighborhood. Certain individuals might plan on breaking into a breeder’s house if they see cannabis seeds delivered to their front door.
You can avoid all unwanted attention from a passerby with your orders through discreet delivery. Dispensaries that offer this service place your seeds in a non-descript bag or box. These packaging will even have an odor proof lining that keeps the smell from leeching out to the surrounding. Barely anyone will know what you order online with the nondescript packaging from eyesight alone.
You can see if a dispensary offers discreet delivery on the front page of their site. Otherwise, the site may mention it through their payment and shipping information page. You can also contact their support line to ask if the company offers this service.
Cultivating marijuana seeds is a rewarding experience, including strains that are rich in CBD. As Dr. Michele Ross claims “CBD is really good for inflammation and pain.” You want to make sure that any CBD or medical marijuana seeds you buy from an online dispensary are of the highest quality
By following our guide on shopping for medical marijuana seeds through online dispensaries, you can keep yourself safe from nearly any criminals. Always be vigilant when buying from a cannabis shop website for the first time by doing thorough research on them before clicking on the order button. You can also check with friends, relatives, or anyone within the local cannabis community for recommendations on which site to buy your seeds.